Contemplations of a Tainted Mind



I love it when I make a bet, and my bet sounds true. My financials equalized out today, finally. See? This proves well and for all that I could have survived. 4 Days before my return flight, and I'm on stable money again. Since I doubt anyone actually realizes what that -means-, basically it is as such. All of my bills are now paid through the month of April, this includes my $119 check to the Dept of Ed that comes out on the 15th (It just cleared today.), my $149.91 bill for Speakeasy, due on the 23rd, and both credit card payments. Also, I am paying an extra $50 against my Orchard Bank credit card, my Payday advance loan through US Bank has sprang back from a $120 limit to $500, and I have enough cash to survive effectively. So, of course, I will immediately completely disrupt my finances again by spending a week and a half out of work. Woo for Financial Masochism xD.