Contemplations of a Tainted Mind


An Actual Update from the Emerald City

Right then. Now for a real update! Wewt. I -am- alive. Pains, Aches and debilitating throbbing aside. I haven't posted anything because I haven't had dedicated access to a computer for anything but work and e-mail. So, faithful friends, here I am.

This past weekend, I went to my first Meetup Meeting, quite delightful. Create a Cleric of Pelor (Sun/Healing) for an RPGA game. He's.. entirely useless. However, I will very likely be beefing him up (Say.. level 25 or so. Maybe higher.), and placing him as a prominent figure in my Happy-go-luck World Building. After playing that.. escapade, where I healed a rogue that got one-shot.. I got handed a quick-roll character for a Classic Battletech/Mechwarrior game. Pretty amusing, I like the strategy of it. Pity the one fight we got in, I started myself on the otherside of a mountain from my Star and wound up spending the entire battle playing catchup. Ah well. Still amusing.

Regarding my health, since I'm sure someone that reads this might be concerned about it, if they're aware that I've been sick pretty much for two weeks solid. At first, I got the sinus infection from hell. It kicked my ass pretty damn hard. Once that started clearing up, my nose (left nostril, specifically) thought it would be absolutely delightful to gush absurd amounts of blood at inconvenient moments. Like on a half hour bustrip. 5 minutes in. That was unpleasant. James's hoodie has officially tasted blood. A decent amount. Of mine. Pretty much turned around and went home after that. A day or two later, as my sinuses/cold/bloody nose were clearing up, my lovely Wisdom tooth started to hate me. It's impacted.. seems to be angled forward, so it causes a lovely amount of pressure on my 2nd Molar. Then I discovered a rather deep cavity in said wisdom tooth. That was.. unpleasant. So, I med up with Ibuprofen and Orajel, which together comfortably nullify the pain from both sources. Until about two days ago, my 2nd Molar decided it didn't like living in my head. It felt as though it was trying, with all its might, to escape from my jaw. That caused it extremely difficult and immensely painful to actually bite anything. That, mind you, tends to make it hard to eat. So, I hobble into work on Thursday with a tooth that is trying to kill me, and my boss suggests I try Aleve. I take a dose that's larger than suggested daily limit, and lo, my tooth calms down. Still hurts like hell to bite down, but at least it isn't throbbing. Dealt with that last night and today. Now, I can bite down reasonably well (Still hurts a touch), but my jaw is still stiff from the sheer beating it's suffered over this past week. I'm alive, I'm getting better, and I should be fine by Monday. See? Doctors and Dentists are overrated.

Now for the juicy bit. I've been out here in Seattle for almost 4 weeks (Tuesday). I love the city, I love the culture, and I love the people. Unfortunately, I think I need to leave it. I don't feel ready for the transition to the Emerald City, honestly. There is a lot of things I miss back in Ohio, a lot of people I miss, and some business that is unfinished. For one, I've discovered that next year I will be considered an Independent Student in regards to Financial Aid for College. This means I may, actually, be able to afford to return to being a Buckeye. And considering everything I've done over the past 4 years of my life, I think I may be in a better position to deal with it, and perhaps even succeed. Now, for those of you that want a decent laugh, I'm contemplating going back for English. Because I'm a crazy masochist, but I do, genuinely, enjoy writing and I think suffering my way through it would greatly improve my skills in composition. And I'm not sure a job in Editing/Writing would be entirely disagreeable. As it is, for those wondering, if I decide to return I will, in theory, touch down in Columbus at 6:13pm on Tuesday, April 22nd. That's Local Time. I would be leaving Seattle at 9:00 AM, PDT. As each day passes, honestly, it looks more likely to occur. You'll hear the final word sometime in mid April, for certain.